Tennis Anyone?

Day 6 - Saturday is fun day!  I was so thrilled to sleep in this morning, all the way until 8:30am.  Waking with no alarm clock is probably one of the greatest joys.  Waking with a new mindset about how I approach my weekend is even better.  I thought about my planned Saturday morning workout as I got out of bed, then I thought, why not go play instead?  That feels much more in line with the active lifestyle portion of my Mediterranean diet experiment.  On the days I have a friend to play with, I will forego my dvd friends waiting for me and seize the moment.

Last night, we (my husband and I) played tennis and I found myself enjoying it so much, I was a bit disappointed when it was time to go home and make dinner.  This is a completely newfound feeling, so it was still fresh in my mind as I woke.  I proposed to my husband that we eat breakfast, go play tennis until we had to pick up our daughter at her friend's house and then later ride bikes while she is at a birthday party for a few hours.  It doesn't take much to get him to set aside cleaning, laundry and other weekend to-do list tasks in favor of playing, so he readily agreed.

I can't believe we played tennis for almost an hour!  And again, by playing tennis, I mean trying to volley the ball back and forth.  Maybe someday in the future we will learn and try to play by the rules the way all the other people on the courts do and yell phrases like "three - love", but for now I am content chasing that yellow ball.  Sometimes it doesn't bounce, sometimes it bounces once and sometimes several times.  Who cares!  This is about having fun and playing.  Oh wait, no - this is about getting good exercise.  Hmmm - how quickly it turned into fun!

Let me pause here a moment.  Me having fun.  Me setting aside the laundry and the straightening up.  Me wearing crappy workout clothes and not worrying about my hair or makeup for the day because I am going outside to play.  Like a kid.  With my best friend.  Who happens to be my husband.  Why, oh why, have I waited so long to be this person?  I love this person!

Time to get back to it.  Maybe I could inspire you to play a little this weekend too?

Until next time...  Be well!

updated note:  My husband laughed and said I would be saying "thirty - love", see I have no idea what I am talking about.  ;)



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